Monday, August 1, 2011

Fool's Paradise

image courtesy of weheartit

Will you wait for me?
I wonder if I
am destined to walk these streets
with nothing but the moon for company.
I breathe in and out
searching the air for traces of you.
I see your shadow on the ground
next to mine.
As my fingers reach for yours,
I realize
I am only dreaming


Mary said...

Poignant, sad. If only dreams would always come true......

Kenia Santos said...

I too wonder if I'm destined to have nothing but the moon for company, Laura. The moon seems to be the only one never to complain about feeling lonely. <3 Beautiful writing. <3

madhumakhi said...

I can feel your loneliness very strongly. Sometimes even i really want companionship and i have an tendency to turn to my imagination. So your poem stuck a chord with me.
'I breathe in and out
searching the air for traces of you.'
Memorable lines. :)

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, if sad... Dreams do so often turn out to be a "Fool's Paradise." The moon can be a lovely companion, but so much lovelier in the company of a real-life human one.

Wynne Huddleston said...

"All the lonely people," Eleanor Rigby (Beatles)Good job!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Very beautiful. "with only the moon for company."

Unknown said...

The loneliness and yearning are palpable...

Dave King said...

Sad, but beautiful - and very like a dream, which is not always the case.

Anonymous said...

It's especially sad when you wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I've had dreams like that--they can hit you hard.

Very well done.

The Poet said...

Visiting from The Poetry Pantry.

Beautiful, albeit full of sadness & longing.

Thanks for sharing.

Undress Me With Your Sultry Eyes

Jingle Poetry At Olive Garden said...



Lisa at Greenbow said...

Sometimes it is sort of nice strolling through Fool's Paradise. It is the wakening that is such a jolt.

Ramesh Sood said...

Nothing wrong ... because lovely dreams truning into reality are always better than reality turning into dreams..

RS : )

Chèvrefeuille said...

Nice poem, awesome. If I only had the moon as my companion ... I would be so happy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Very nice poem, and a really good fit to the prompt as well!

Ron. said...

Sometimes, when there's nothing else, shadows are the best company. Well done.

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful words. Dreams often lead us into some foolish paradise. I enjoyed your tender, beautiful piece.

Kremo said...

Wonderful sentiments !!!

Amity said...

A dream we sometimes wish we wouldn't want to wake up just yet!

Anonymous said...

Poignant and wistful. If only dreams came true... A fool's paradise, indeed. Well done.

Anonymous said...

"Fool's Paradise," I can see you have touched so many hearts and souls. This has been one of the subject matters that reaches out to folks and draws us in. We have all felt the loneliness, and in my poetry, I speak of the darkness in terms of that loneliness; however, the other side can be right around the corner of believing and faith. Just wondered if you had a poem of such nature because I feel you would write something beautiful. I was only wondering...your poetry is very elegant, creative and powerful; much grace you embrace...thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the visit.