Friday, September 21, 2012


   When I think of fences keeping something in, I tend to think of emotional fences. We've never had a fence around any of the houses we've lived in, so I don't really relate to them physically.
   All of our neighbors have had them though, to keep their pets in, except our current neighbor. I'm not really sure why he has one, but I think it's because he likes to garden. I can't see anything of his backyard except a tree with some very pretty pink flowers, a shed, and a few months ago he added some sunflowers that peeked over into our yard.

I took this one rainy day a few weeks back. It doesn't show all of the fence because my brother's roofing materials were in the way
   My response to Mary's prompt is this:
No matter what
I won't take down the fence
Around my heart.
I've made that mistake
Twice before.

To read others' response to the prompt at The Imaginary Garden with Real Toads or to join in go here.


Janine Bollée said...

Ah, you're saying that now, but even THAT fence will come down one day :-)

Laura Maria said...

LOL your comment made me smile. Yes, I'm sure there's still a chance of that. I'm not really as pessimistic about it as I sound in the poem, that's just simply what came to me after reading the prompt.

Mary said...

Laura, I enjoyed your commentary and photograph of your neighbor's fence. It is interesting indeed to think about why other people have fences.

I do understand the sentiments expressed in your poem. I think a person really DOES need to protect one's heart. Keeping a fence in place for a time can definitely be wise. But then when the right time comes.....smiles.

Daydreamertoo said...

One day, when you're emotionally ready, that fence will willingly fall. :)
I guess the man next door tries to protect his garden from being dug up by dogs and cats and anything else that likes to dig

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I know about that fence - the hardest one to deal with taking down. But eventually, I believe it falls, even if only because it gets tired of standing up:)

Mystic_Mom said...

Nicely done!

Maude Lynn said...

Nicely done!

Kay L. Davies said...

Oh yes, the fence around the vulnerable heart...I've built that fence, and I've torn it down.
Time wounds all heels, you know!
I love your sunflower photo.

Amrit Sinha said...

Well said ... I don't like fences much either ... they seem to restrict the flow !!!

Helen said...

I love the sunflower peeking over the tall fence! At critical junctures in my life, I've erected fences around my heart ... felt good to knock them down!! I live in a fence-free zone now....lovely write.

gautami tripathy said...

I really liked reading this...

wrapped in solitude

kaykuala said...

Yes, let's not be too easy to give away our love. Our heart and soul are for us to own. We may just extend a wee bit or forever regret the day it happened. Nicely Laura!


Unknown said...

and this broke my heart...

J Cosmo Newbery said...

I agree with Aprille. Fencing your heart too securely is not the answer in the long run. But it is very understandable at first.

Ella said...

I can relate to your view~ I do hope you will allow time to mend the fence! (((hugs)))

Margaret said...

...the fence around one's heart gets torn down and rebuilt quite often in a lifetime. The sunflower photo is wonderful!

Mary B. Mansfield said...

Pain does have a way of building a fence - been there, done that. I would just caution that sometimes the pain of being alone is a much worse thing.