Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday Think Tank - Signs of Autumn

image from weheartit
Death has never been more beautiful
Than when I see the leaves
Set themselves on fire
Deciding to go out with
A bang
Instead of
Politely bowing out


Amrit Sinha said...

You have really painted the words beautifully :-)

Daydreamertoo said...

It is very beautiful too, isn't it. We are lucky to see the leaves change colours here every year, it is quite spectacular as is your poem to describe the fall dying.

kaykuala said...

That's how dramatic! The leaves choose to fall and into decay all at once. Gets frightening at the abundance! Nicely rendered Laura!


Mary said...

Laura, this is so true...death has never been as beautiful as we experience it in fall each year (before everything turns brown - sigh). A nice write.

Martin said...

I agree with you : )
Someone said, "Am schönsten ist der Zweig, der unter der Last seiner Blüte bricht" / "The most beautiful twig is the one that breaks under the weight of its blooms."

Btw I changed my blog's address to .

Sarav said...

This is fantastic! What a wonderful take on the prompt. Thank you for visiting my blog also :-) look forward to reading more of your talented way with words.

Preeti S. said...

There's the thing to learn from the autumn leaves. Impressive lines. Keep up the good work! :)

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Spectacular - we should all take inspiration from the leaves! I know I am crackling as loudly as I can, hee hee.

Eileen T O'Neill ..... said...

Laura Maria,

I agree with your autumnal thoughts. I love the riot of colours and the crunchy noises from the leaves. Not going quietly!!!

Thank you for your visit to my Blog today:)


Susan said...

How Gorgeous!! I shall have to think about this death that looks so alive, but your poem is a knock out and your picture shocks as the tree twists and turns a live figure in the fire. I like the nod to TS ELiot as well. Wow.
I want to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a commetn. Looking forward to return trips.

Anonymous said...

I like the image of leaves setting themselves on fire.

Ella said...

I love the sassy view you shared!
Wonderful :D

Timoteo said...

Love it...and what a provocative photo as well.