I dug up an old box
Containing fragments of our lives,
And thought of what was left of it;
Nothing but scarecrows
That ceased to scare me
Long ago
The prompt at One Single Impression this week is scarecrow. To join in or read the other contributions go here.
Hi Laura, this is BIG trouble for the scarecrows, when scarecrows cease to scare. Good for the crows though. LOL
I second Jim..and am happy to have written the haiku that I did...
The last three lines were my favourite. Thoughts conveyed in a beautiful and succinct manner. Loved it.
Strawmen...seemingly relevant, but do nothing once identified. Wonderfully illustrated.
Hello again, Laura Maria,
I like the mementoes described as 'fragments of our lives'.
Very elegant. This could probably be rearranged for the shijo form kerry asks us to do today.
I know this feeling. With time many things stop bothering. Well written.
One reflects on the past to discover some trying times had been overcome and being happy with it now. Nicely Laura!
It's always interesting to see what scared us once but no longer does.
This is where fright changes to annoyance...Very well put, Laura!
That last two lines were a terrific close ~ Nice one ~
Good that these old memories have lost their potency!
I have a box of scarecrows too but now I am way scarier than they are. I CULTIVATE it. Hee hee. I loved this!
I do love this poem. It says all it has to say in a few lines with an excellent impact in the climax, which has left this reader pondering her own several scarecrows.
Memories do scare at times !!! Well said.
Deliciously quiet and thoghtful.
Time seems to do this to everything - I think you have captured the feeling well.
The brevity here seems to add to the piece's emotional content. Lovely write!
Good to face those old scarecrows without fears they just fade away.
Loved this!
I loved this! I too thought it powerful that the thing designed to frighten no longer has that power.
cryptic but powerful.this does give one a lot of food for thought.
nice visual with the scarecrow and very powerful for so few words.
This is one of my favorites from all the poems I have read for this prompt! Nicely done! Love the imagery and the thought behind it!
I couldnt have said it any better to be honest! keep up the awesome work. You are very talented & I only wish I could write as good as you do :) …
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