Here is my response to a Carry On Tuesday prompt that I never got around to posting.
I listen to the silence
Because it's better than
Listening to your empty
"I promise"
Or when you say
"I'm sorry"
And I know you don't mean it
Even worse is hearing you say
"I love you"
Because I know
You say it to keep me
So I listen to the silence
As you do also
Ooo...a bit of hurt there. Good to get it down and set it free.
Sometimes, even the preferable thing can be a bit sad...
Laura, I hear you on this. Your point is well made. Better that one makes no promise than one that one can't carry through on. Silence is better than that!
Oh my - I really like this and how it captures so well the trap that people often fall into.
Ohh ... this was sad ...
Hi there! Nice poems. Please check out my new poetry blogzine and submit your best work:
Laura Maria,
It is sad and very disheartening, when we realise that our words have fallen on deaf ears. Silence is never an ideal answer.
What a wonderful poem, full of silence ... Silence can bve soothing, but also hurting.
Be welcome to share your haiku on
this webadress:
Please enjoy the fun and try to write a haiku on "Aleph" poignant. Boiled right down to the point, great write.
Been there .... nicely written!
A lovely piece of writing. :-)
sometimes silence is better...
the pain came through beautifully.
Beautiful poem!
Very well done Laura! I applaud your great skill at writing down your poetic expressions; I empathize for the pain, I think we all have been there, I know I have. Your talent for writing is super and I also would like to thank you for the warm welcome in the nice of you!!
so sad. but i listen to the silence too sometimes. x
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