Friday, September 9, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award :)

Thoughtful Lene at Musings of Another Mother nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks so much Lene!

To accept this award there are a few rules:
1) thank the blogger who awarded you and link back to them (done =D)

2) share 7 interesting facts about yourself

3) pass the award on to 15 newly discovered blogs

So for my 7 (possibly un)interesting facts:

1- My life chapter is Isaiah 58. I had it engraved into my class ring :)

2- My Hero of the Faith/favorite Bible character is King David.

3- I am proud to say I was born in the largest city (at the time) in the world *drum roll* Mexico City!

4- I am a terrible cook :(

5- My sister is the one who put me on the writing path when I was 13 (I had attempted poetry at 8 but dropped it after a few failures).

6- My favorite fiction book in the ENTIRE world is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

7- I have 5 older brothers and they break the mold of annoying/bossy/and whatever other word describes the pesky brothers you see in movies. They are my heroes!

And now for my 15 newly discovered blogs...
Jenn Wright @ A Loud Soul Silenced by Solitude
Sif @ At the Bottom of the Garden
Jaimee Hunter @ Jaimee Hunter Online
Katharina @ Kathas-trophal
Stella @ Scribblings
Melinda Chapman @ Around the Deep End
Lolamouse @ Mouse Droppings
Cheryl @ Deckside Thoughts
Grace @ Everyday Amazing
Niebla @ Niebla | Fog
Mikha @ Pensamientos para no pensar
Ginny Brannan @ Inside Out Poetry
Piece of Pie ala Mode
Kremo @ The Obtuse Angle
Write Girl @ Write in Motion


Melinda Chapman said...

Thanks so much for nominating me, Laura Maria! And here I was already excited because I got another follower... then I saw your comment! :D
Oh - and I must read The Kite Runner!

Mikha said...

OMG when I first read the comment I was like "O__O?" and also very happy to have a new follower, thank you very much! Honestly!! Thanks for the nomination, thanks for taking your time to read me and thanks because now I can read you :)

none said...

Congrats on the award! Great blog you have. David is one of my favorites as to read the Psalms aloud. :)

Lolamouse said...

Thank you so much for the VBA! I've been enjoying reading your blog as well! Write on!

Grace said...

Thanks so much for this ~

Nice to meet you too ~

miss pie said...

how delightful to meet u and thank u for the nod.... isaiah 58 is a wonderful way to live life and david a man after god's own heart, amen... never read the kite runner i've heard it is a great book... wow i have four sisters and one brother.... family is everything.... i will start my quest for 15 newly discovered blogs!!! renee at pieceofpiealamode