Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams

Creative Writing Prompt 5 (I tweaked it a little). I chose "Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by William Butler Yeats.

When you come
Riding the waves of emotion
Remember that I am only one
One soul with nothing to offer
but my dreams
And those are just beginning

*I do not own the image above. I found it on Google :)


Sherri B. said...

A fragile lovely.

PhotoDiction said...

Have to agree. This speaks eloquently of fragility and innocence. Well done.

Kerry O'Connor said...

The Yeats' poem is a personal favourite of mine, and they have proved to be an amazing source of inspiration for your poem. You have infused the lines with a tremulous sense of promise.

Please feel free to share your work on Real Toads Open Link on Monday.

Hazel said...

In our quest to be tough we sometimes forget that treading softly is the trick!