Saturday, October 18, 2014

Hollow Talk

Engulf me.
I don't want
Shallow waters,
I've had enough of hollow talk



Old Egg said...

Romance doesn't usually tolerate half measures. Yes, we do want to be swept away by love.

Dr. Pearl Ketover Prilik (PKP) said...

This is a wonderful poem ... clean, wonderful economy of words that perfectly illustrates "hollow talk" Bravo

Vandana Sharma said...

At times when we find everything meaningless , really we wish to be far far away from this world.

Brian Miller said...

ah so true....give me something...or someone....that has a little depth....smiles.

Abin Chakraborty said...

love should be just that :)

Mary said...

Hollowness is not what I would desire either.

Glad to see you again at Poets United!

Gabriella said...

We do not want hollowness yet it takes faith to accept to be engulfed.

Laura said...

beautiful… yes, yes how much more tender, vulnerable, engaged, connected to dive in deep together.

totomai said...

can't help but link the photo to your words. such a short poem but with so much depth.

Gen Giggles said...

So many platitudes are just that, we want all of our truth to be expressed.

brudberg said...

To be hollow and shallow is not want we want.. engulf us with deepness.

kaykuala said...

It may help to tell them off. That way the relationship sustains with lots of respect. Nicely Maria!


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Ha, my comment disappeared......I love the line "I dont want shallow waters"....yes, plunge in! Well said.

Myrna R. said...

Yes, we all want depth. I like how succinctly you put this.

Susan said...

YES! How beautifully your words provide the substance of your desire with no hollow words!

J.N.T. said...

sometimes we long for words with substance and not just hollow talk. great thought on this sabbath day. Amen!


Rallentanda said...

Hollow talk is a time waster for sure.

ZQ said...

Short and sweet!

Anonymous said...

So relatable. Love this.