Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Carry On Tuesday Take Two

My second attempt at this week's Carry On Tuesday prompt. I'm not entirely satisfied with this piece but here it is anyway.

image courtesy of weheartit
You find yourself at home
Sitting alone listening to the silence
And you wonder
When it all came to an end
And where it was you lost it all

You search the lines of yesterday
Hoping for an answer
Blaming everyone for today
When it was you who let it go
The moment you stopped being thankful
And forgot where it was you came from

Though you move on
You'll never lose
That heavy silence from your heart
Until the day you learn to live
With unashamed love
That gives itself for others


Mikha said...

don't know why I kinda feel like... identified with this one...

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love the imagery.

hope, memories, and more.

Scarlet said...

heavy silence of your heart..beautiful and sad line...

thanks for sharing ~

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love the truth of this poem's final lines. Wonderful awareness displayed here.

Anonymous said...

basically, you need to have a positive outlook on life, and not blame everyone. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the way you set this up, and the direction it pursued. The last stanza provides a gem of truth for each of us!

Anonymous said...

Nicely written. I like...

Liz Rice-Sosne said...

Your words possess heavy truth!

Adura Ojo said...

Beautiful piece, Laura. You say it well and your character has a generous heart. In giving, we can be filled and fulfilled too in our own way.

Robert Lloyd said...

I know you say you are not entirely satisfied but I find it to be a great poem. It rings true in so many ways. Your words capture what many of us live. I envision the idea of Forgiveness starts with yourself. Thank you for allowing me to read your poem.

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love this version - more poetic, more immediate than the previous one, I feel... Yes, it's more than words, it makes me feel, which after all is what it's all about, isn't it?

Susie Clevenger said...

so sad..but searching one's soul can be painful at times...sitting alone listening to silence..so powerful what can be heard in silence...A beautiful poem.

Yousei Hime said...

Contemplation is difficult to write about. It feels like rambling, there are always truths floating just out of reach, yet it is so important to coming to some understanding. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for your visit and comment.