Friday, August 12, 2011


Hay algo en una pagina
Sin letras que la manchen
Que me recuerda de la inocencia
Que aun no ha conocido
La tristeza ni el temor

Me vuelve a ese tiempo
Cuando todavia podia ver el mar
Sin sentir que me perdia
Y aun no sabia
De tal cosa como el dolor

Pero empiezo a escribir
Y veo que no todo es malo
No, todavia se puede hacer el bien
Y desechar a la immundicia
Todavia existe el milagro del amor

My second attempt at a poem in Spanish :). I hope it's all spelled right and is grammatically correct.


Anonymous said...

I am by no means fluent but I think that I understood the gist of the poem. It seemed to flow nicely. :)

Laura Maria said...

Thanks for taking the time to read it anyway. With shame I admit that I am not fluent either even though it was my first language. Don't get me wrong, I speak it but when I do it leaves something to be desired :(