Thursday, September 13, 2012

On Ending Conversations

It's hard to converse
when your lips are sealed.
Worse still,
when your heart is.

The prompt this week at Theme Thursday is conversations. I don't converse easily with people, and there's only been one exception to that. I chose to write about the end of my conversations with that exception. To read the other contributions, or to join in go here.


Brian Miller said...

dang...truth....esp on those hearts...and if you are unwilling to talk we wont get any where...

joanne said...

It's also difficult if your mind is closed! I really liked this alot....very direct!

Susan said...

Like stopping short. That's how brief, and so true that I laughed. That stopped abruptly too. Very effective poem.

Mary said...

Laura, your words definitely pack a punch. When a heart is sealed, there can be NO conversation at all.

Amrit Sinha said...

Well said ... truly wow !!!

Mrsupole said...

This is full of heartache even though it is only a few lines. Even though you did not say a lot, you did say a lot. And maybe it is best to sometimes not say things that we would later regret but it would be hard to take the silence. But if you asked my hubby he might say that some silence would be nice. And on that note I will be silent.

Thanks for joining in on our conversation for this weeks Theme Thursday.

God bless.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Oh, absolutely!

Janine Bollée said...

Ah yes, and then body language won't be too inviting either.
You yourself have no problem on line though: your comments are always delightful.

rch said...

So much said in so few words, really tight and well written.

Jennifer Wagner said...

You nailed it with this poem...and I identify with your personal comments. Great post.

Unknown said...

Perfect. Nothing can be added to this piece to better convey thought and meaning. Ideal.

Serena said...

So much said in so few words... You are so right. Once the heart is closed there is no more conversation, let alone a chance at connection.

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

True dat--Eloquently stated!

ScottlB said...

So much said in so few words, very nice thanks for sharing

Dave King said...

Succinct and compelling.

Brother Ollie said...

so true - dig this one