Sunday, June 17, 2012


A simple haiku for the OSI prompt waiting. Join in or read the other contributions here.

image from weheartit

One minute in time
Can seem to last forever
When you are waiting


Ron. said...

Times's elastic, alright. Some moments, both happy and horrific, seem to last forever; others pass in a heartbeat.

Well said.

Anonymous said...

so true...!!

Ramesh Sood said...

Simple and straight.. wow!!

PhotoDiction said...

simple and to the point - you have top love haiku for that! nicely done

beeguiler said...

you captured ones relation to time in a lovely way...

Harshad Mehta said...

Oh, that one minute is infinite!

Amrit Sinha said...

Beautiful way to define relationships

4joy said...

I hate waiting for anything, but doing so is an excercise in patience....nice job

Oak Creek Ranch said...

That's the truth!! Well done haiku.

fawn said...

Wow! How true.