Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Slip Away

image from weheartit
I stepped into another world today
In which I found you
Amid the gray depths of my soul
And stayed awhile next to your shadow

I left the color and solidity
For the coolness of murky waters
Just for a chance to hold your hand
Even if we're nothing but shadows


Mikha said...

Simple and clean... what else can I say? :)

Kenia Santos said...

oh the shadows of love... we're always wishing they could be the real thing.

A beautiful poem Laura. <3

madhumakhi said...

Love makes us leave our comfort zones and go towards the murky and elusive.Short and sad in a way. The last line has deep impact.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Beautifully penned. Poignant and sad.

booguloo said...

Murky waters can run deep. Nice one.

Abin Chakraborty said...

deeply moving...finely etched

Scarlet said...

Sad and full of shadows ~

Nice capture of heart's melancholy~


Anonymous said...

Reading this was a 'Killing me Softly' experience. Beautiful and confronting.

Chevrefeuille said...

This is a wonderful poem. It did let beat my heart a bit faster.

kaykuala said...

It is a loving feeling, Laura! I could feel it "amidst the gray depths of my soul, and stayed awhile next to your shadow" A feeling of wanting to be near!
