Sunday, January 1, 2012

image courtesy of weheartit
I thought of you today
Amidst the chaos and the snow
I thought of you and summer
When I stepped inside
Away from biting flakes of solitude

I found an old life
(Tangled in yellowed pages and a picture or two)
While rummaging in a forgotten desk drawer
That reminded me of something
But of what I can't be sure


Mikha said...

Hi! :) Happy new year and all that stuff, I came to read your blog and idk why, but your poem got me thinking on old memories.
You're awesome, your poetry is awesome :) and I hope to read you all this year :)

Abin Chakraborty said...

hmm.forces the reader to search for the missing pieces of the puzzle.
btw, I think there's a bit of rewrite in the line about the forgotten drawer.

madhumakhi said...

I wonder what you are reminded of. Good piece.

Mary said...

There definitely is a sense of mystery in this poem. I wonder along with Madhumakhi.

Anonymous said...

soft, tender and reminiscent. lovely penning here, as always.

Unknown said...

I so get this!
When rifling through the past, one can easily question the recollections and remembrances. Was that real? What I thought it to be?
Your piece perfectly conveys this often experienced disjointedness between past and present.

booguloo said...

Great on disconnected thoughts.

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Memories are like that - half forgotten and half remembered - sometimes missing that little important link.

Well written.

Anna :o]

Matthew John Davies said...

Kudos on "biting flakes of solitude".

Karen said...

I've been reading several of your works, and I really like the way you insert just the right unexpected image!